Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic

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February Frederick Anglican Fellowship

Frederick Anglican Fellowship
Update - February 21, 2023

We are humbled and amazed about what God has done since last Easter, as we continue to work on the church plant in Frederick, Maryland, currently called Frederick Anglican Fellowship.

The prayerful impetus for this church plant began in 2019, although plans were interrupted during the pandemic. Then in April 2022, a core team of lay people began to meet and plan. Team members attended ACNA’s “boot camp” church planting training in May and received coaching throughout the summer, thanks to support from the diocese. After meeting with Canon Tuck Bartholomew, the team prepared a written case for a church plant in Frederick --including a vision, mission, and set of priorities as well as our “job description” for an ordained church planter for Frederick. A candidate has yet to come forward so we continue to pray that God will send His choice for an ordained church planter.

In the meantime, Frederick Anglican Fellowship began meeting monthly for lay-led Morning Prayer services in a downtown Frederick conference room in October 2022. The number of local people interested in an Anglican church in Frederick continues to grow. Twenty-one people attended our service on February 5, and we now have a roster of over 30 people who have attended or inquired.

We kicked off 2023 with a January party on Twelfth Night Eve that was a great success. We also had a wonderful Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. We’re having two Lenten fellowship evenings with an introduction to Holy Communion in Anglican worship, because many of our folks are new to Anglicanism.

While we continue our usual monthly, lay-led Morning Prayer services, we’re also planning periodic Holy Communion services instead, assisted  by visiting priests from other Anglican churches (until we find a church planting priest for Frederick). Our very first service of Holy Communion will be on Palm Sunday, led by Father Charles Glantzberg. This is a significant and exciting step!

Please pray with us for . . .

+      God to continue to bring people into this fellowship and to bless those who are coming.

+      our upcoming services, gatherings, and communications to help us grow as a community of faith.

+      increasing involvement among members of the fellowship

+      a larger facility for worship and weeknight activities, as we’ve about outgrown what we have been using.

+      God’s provision of a church planter to help us solidify and grow as a church.